Crushin' It
Relationship Tools, Tips and Quizzes!
We're packing this site with activities and info to help you have the relationships you deserve! This site is built for teens, but parents and educators can learn more about our in-person (or Zoom!) programming.
What's your relationship IQ? How is consent like a cup of tea? What is adultism?
More quizzes and videos where these came from!

About Us

A Few Words About Crushin' It
People don't talk enough about healthy dating relationships, especially with teens. This is a big problem since 1 out of 3 teens report some form of abuse (physical, sexual, or emotional) in their dating relationships. We want all people to have the healthy, happy relationships they deserve. That starts with talking about what's healthy and what's not.
Healthy relationships take practice and when we're first starting out, it can be hard to know what's normal. And it doesn't help that many of the relationships shown on TV are unhealthy or toxic!
We hope that the info and activities on this site can be a starting point for important conversations with friends, family and teachers. Someone from Crushin' It can also come to your classroom, club, or student group to lead these conversations in person or virtually. Contact us for more info!
Our Values
Changing a Culture of Power & Violence
We understand that dating abuse is one of many forms of power-based violence and exists within a culture that allows some groups in society to have power and control over others. We cannot end dating violence without working to end sexism, cissexism, heterosexism, racism, nationalism, colonialism, classism, ableism, ageism, and all forms of oppression.
We also know that young people can make real positive change in the world. If you're interested in volunteering with us and having important conversations with peers, feel free to send us a message!

From Crushin' It session on power, privilege, and oppression.